Sunday 24 June 2012


Hey beautifuls!
How are you all?

So I got a topic requested about one of my favourite and one of my most hated things! MAKE-UP! I am a fan of make-up but sometimes I wish it was never ever invented! On this blog I'm just going to give you a few tips on make-up and how to apply it-again this is my personal view so if you don't want to or don't feel like this is right for you, then that's fine! =)

First, before you even go near make-up there is a few things you need to do to first!

1. Cleaning your skin properly! Do not use bar-soap on your face! It's like the worst thing ever, it clogs up your pores and strips away your natural skin oils, it also leaves your skin feeling itchy/extremely dry/tight. Use a cleanser to clean your skin, I personally use Simple Skin Cleanser because it is inexpensive and very very affective! (Mine cost me£2.50 in UK money!) If you don't feel like using the Cleanser which works better if you apply it with cotton wool, then Skin Cleanser Wipes are just as affective! I personally use them in the mornings when I wake up to get rid of the collective oils that made it's way on my skin overnight, this also restores your natural oils and not forgetting, makes you feel fresher! =)
2. Tone! Toner cleanses the skin and it shrinks the appearance of pores! I sware by toner, again the one I use is by Simple. Simple products are used for sensitive skins and yes, I have extremely sensitive skin! Toner can be applied by using Cotton wool or you can buy one as a spray too!
3. Moisturise! After the first two steps apply your moisturiser, I use No 7 moisturiser which is very light and I only need one squirt and it covers my whole face. Moisturiser will give you a soft and easy surface to apply your makeup too.

I also exfoliate twice a week and apply a facial mask once every two weeks. My favourite is the chocolate face mask, because one it's good for your skin and two, it's eatable! =)

So, I started wearing make-up when I was in my first year of high school. I began wearing a light tinted moisturiser but when I saw the girls in my class wearing a lot more than I was, I decided to up my game and start wearing proper foundation from the local drugstore. I usually got up an hour before I left for school to get myself ready but when I was wearing makeup, I was getting up at least two hours before. I started wearing foundation, eyeliner, mascara, lip gloss and blusher every single day. My skin was becoming so bad that I began wearing more because I was insecure.

Eventually, in the second year of high school, I had a wake up call when Carter told me he was fed up of me wearing makeup. He said he was making me stop wearing it but at least for me to tone it down and so I did. I began losing the heavy makeup and stuck to my tinted moisturiser, however my skin had lasting damage. My pores got huge, they clogged and caused very unattractive blackheads, I began breaking out with pimples and my skins was becoming very oily.
I would recommend girls under the age of 15 to wear tinted moisturiser and girls older to wear a very light amount of foundation. During hot days and when I'm on a holiday abroad, I use my tinted moisturiser but during the winter when my nose and cheeks go red very easily, I use my Max Factor foundation along with my Max Factor concealer. On days when I don't want to put on makeup but I still need to go out I would use my cheap drugstore makeup which costs me no more than £6 (UK currency), only a light amount though!

I have different makeup for different occasions! Everyday makeup and special occasion makeup. For a night out, I would use a little more makeup that I do on a everyday basis, I would firstly do my concealer, my foundation, my press powder, my blusher or bronzer, possibly an eyeliner, some eyeshadow and mascara. Sounds like a lot, doesn't it? All my makeup however are very light!

I also have different makeup brushes to go with my makeup, one is my foundation brush which I use for my every day tinted moisturiser and my second makeup brush is my MAC Flat-Top brush which is for my foundation. I didn't realise how amazing a brush could make such a difference! Flat-top brushes are amazing to create a flawless, even foundation! Please please please make sure that you clean your brushes thoroughly, at least once a week but if you use more than one foundation, please clean your brushes before applying the other foundation. By not cleaning your brushes or sponges, it will gather bacteria, dirt and old oils which will transfer back onto your skin and create blemishes, zits, pimples and clog your pores!

I would suggest for those to start of with a cheap foundation first, you don't want to spend like 20 or 30 pounds (or Dollars!) on a foundation which may break you out, be the wrong shade, cause irration or be to sticky. I would advise you all not to go over the top on you're makeup, you may think you look pretty or you may think that this is the only way to impress someone but can I say something? Wearing a face full of makeup is one of the worst turn offs ever! I've got plenty guy friends, I've got brothers, I've got male cousins and every one of them say the exact same thing.

"We prefer natural girls"

I was previously watching 'Toddlers and Tiaras' and I was shocked at how the parents could plaster their kids as young as 2 in makeup, fake tan and fake hair! I'm sorry but I don't like how a parent could do that to their child, especially at 2 years of age! A child is beautiful no matter what age!

In my eyes, girls shouldn't wear makeup until they are at least 14+. I have friends now who are 17/18 and even 20 who still don't wear makeup and magically look like they are amazing!
So, I hope this blog helps you girls with makeup problems. Please if you want to know more, comment and i'll put up a makeup NO 2 post! =) Again, I love how you girls ask me about these stuff so please keep commenting or whatever to let me know what to do next! (beauty tips, health + fitness etc) I'll be happy to cover!

Stay Beautiful!
-Katieleigh (and baby Brown!);; xoox


  1. Can you do a topic on boys? Like how to say no nicely when they ask you out or how to not make a fool of yourself.

    Lauren :)

  2. Loved it! Glad to know your input on makeup & happy to say, I agree with you on the opinions you gave us :) Can't wait to read more!
    -Taya :)
