Friday 1 June 2012


Hello beautiful people!
How are you all?

So I was meaning to post this blog earlier but I got so side-tracked, I forgot! I have recently just became yet another auntie to a beautiful baby girl called Grace (Carter's sister's baby girl) and I attended a wedding yesterday too with Carter, I designed the bride's shoes! (which you can find on my instagram!), my cousin's birthday was yesterday too and my other cousin's birthday is today!  So anyway, I was quiet busy=)

So I was requested to blog about my tattoo's (which I love) and thot that it was a really great topic to talk about! =)

Some of you may know that I have...a few tattoo's (seven in total!) so I'll list them and give you the meaning because most people don't know why and just judge me on having tattoo's for fun which isn't true! All my tattoo's have a special meaning (to me anyway!)

1.  Left wrist - Treble Clef inside a heart - expressing my passion for music.
2.  Back of my neck - Butterfly (purple and pink) with three falling red hearts - the butterfly is a sign of freedom, the three falling stars stand for 'I love you' for my family and Carter and now my baby.
3. Right foot - a star design - because everyone in my life are stars. Family members + friends who have past who are also my stars looking down on me from heaven.
4. Thumb - the design something similar to Rihanna's - Both me and my sister have it, it has a hidden chinese symbol which stands for 'Sister'.
5. Ribcage - quote saying 'never follow others footsteps, create your own path' - Learning from very bad mistakes in my past which I followed others because I wanted to be 'popular' or 'cool'. The decision was wrong so now I don't follow others, I follow my heart and create my own way thru life.
6. Hip Bone - quote saying 'walk in someone's shoes before judging them' - I think everyone has done this including me which is why I got this tattoo'd on my body, to remind myself not to judge a person if I don't know them or their story.

and my new tattoo!

7. Index finger - small infinity sign - Carter and I both got one for our love, our love for our child and our love for our families.

So that's all my tattoo's plus their meanings=) I hope this was slightly intresting? I'm not too sure but my next blog will be posted on Sunday, there might be two posts since I was requested to do two other topics! So yeahh.. look out for that! =)

Keep requesting guys! I'm having too much fun keeping you all updated on my life!

Stay beautiful!
-Katieleigh; xoo


  1. loved it!!<3 I also love tattoos so this was great :)
    -Taya :)

  2. i'm jealous (in a nice way) that you're new to blogging and your blogs are ten times better than mine!
    anywho... i mentioned you in my blog here just copy and paste the link, you're mentioned at the end of my most recent blog
