Tuesday 12 June 2012


Hello beautifuls!
How are you all?

So as promised, I'm posting another blog which was requested and it's about friendships.

There is a saying which is 'As you get older, you can count your friends on one hand' and in my eyes, that is a very true saying. I have lots of people who I would count as my friends but only a few that I would count as my true friends and that's not including Carter. I used to have loads of friends who I thought were my best friends for life, until suddenly they started slipping away for a lot of reasons.

In 2010, I got into a fight with one of my closest (ex-) best friends. She fell into the wrong crowd in school, she began leaking secrets that I had told her in trust, she began making rumours up about me and Carter, telling everyone that I was cheating on Carter, fell pregnant then flew to Canada to have a secret abortion. I was distraught and kept questioning myself on what I done to deserve this. Carter will back me up on this, he would tell you that I locked myself in my room day-after-day, sobbing to myself. Thankfully I had him to give me the strength I needed to face everyone in school.

To make a long story short, everyone in the school found out that the rumours weren't true and turned their backs on her. Everything she said after that, nobody believed her. After that incident, if I was making new friends, I was sure not to let them know any big secrets until I was sure that I could trust them..

All I can really say on how to either get a friendship back is apologise, even if it isn't your fault because it will prove you're the bigger person. Take five minutes of each others time to talk about the situation that caused you both to fall out, talk about calmly and resolve the problem.

Things take time, including gaining trust back even if you have known the other person for years.  Don't rush things, don't pressure the other person into being your BFF immediately 'cause that probably won't happen and might even put the other person of being friends with you again.

So, I really hope this helped whoever requested! I'm loving the fact you're all requesting me to cover topics! I'm having so much fun! =) keep leaving comments and giving me more topics to cover and I'll update again soon!

Stay Beautiful!
-Katieleigh (and baby Brown!); xoox

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