Monday 11 June 2012

Love, Sex and Magic!

Hello Beautifuls!
How are you all?

I'm so sorry for not posting yesterday, I haven't been feeling to good lately with pregnancy sickness and I've been swamped with work for college too, am I the only one who wants to rip up their work sometimes?

Anyhow, I got asked to cover a topic about something that most people find awkward or they try to avoid talking about it all together but I like talking about it (not in a creepy way) and actually don't mind bringing it up!

That topic is sex.

Sex is such a magical thing! It brings couples closer together and it combines to people together in a bubble of love and passion. Sex is a way of expressing your love for the other person, it's a way of sharing the desire for your partner but it is also a frightening experience- Believe me, I have been there!

I understand that people don't necessarily keep their virginity for someone they love, or they don't always have sex with people they love but personally; I think that sex should be saved for someone you love and only someone you love. I don't believe in one night stands, I don't believe on having sex for 'fun', I don't believe in having multiple sexual partners, nor do I believe on having sex with anyone. I believe that if you are in a relationship with someone who you love, then you have sex with them and only them, if you're not in a relationship then you don't have sex. Then again, that's just me.

I made the choice to have sex with Carter last year, I was sixteen and knew that it was time to take that huge step and truly commit myself to him. So after weeks of preparing myself, building the courage and even talking to Carter about it, we finally decided that we would take that step. Carter was very very supportive of my decision, he to was a virgin but didn't care about himself, he wanted to make sure that I was okay and that I was 100% sure about this. Whenever the time came, Carter went all out and decorated his bedroom to make it romantic by scattering my favourite pink rose petals over the bed and putting quiet music on in the background.

There is a lot of tales about having sex for the first time. People say that it hurts, people say that the pain is so unbearable that they needed to stop but for me, I felt no pain. Not one bit. Altho, I will admit that the morning after, I did feel slight pain but not to much- It felt like there was a constant pressure on my lower area from where my muscles where stretched, it stung a little when I used the bathroom and I did feel like I was walking like a penguin, however after a day or two the feelings disappeared!

If I was to give advice to people about sex it would be;

1. Don't stress about it too much! By stressing, it makes your muscles tense which will cause you even more pain when it comes to sexual intercourse.
2. Make sure that you want this, don't feel pressured into having sex because your friends are doing it or because you are getting teased about still being a virgin.
3. USE PROTECTION! Not only does this protect you from unwanted pregnancies but it protects you from horrible diseases like STD's, Chlamydia, Herpes, etc. which are very common.

So! Another blog done and dusted! Thank you for suggesting to me to cover this topic, some of you may feel awkward reading it but I don't mind writing about anything like this! Again, please please please suggest more topics for me to write about!

There will be another post updated tomorrow so keep tuned for that too!

Stay Beautiful!
-Katieleigh (and baby Brown!);; xoox

1 comment:

  1. That wasn't awkward at all :) Thanks for covering that! I loved it :) I love these blogs because I feel like we get to actually know you :)
