Tuesday 3 July 2012

Boys, boys, boys!

Hello beautifuls!
how are you all?

I'm sorry for the late updates but I have been so busy! I recently turned 18 weeks pregnant on Saturday, my bumps been growing a lot so I've been picking up a few materinity clothes and today Carter and I went to the aquarium with Carter's younger brother and sister and my nieces and nephew. It gave us good practise for the future!

So anyway, I was asked to cover a topic about boys one of the most common topics ever! I'll do my best to help with any of your problems, girls!

I've been with Carter for five years, he was my first boyfriend so I can't really compare him to anyone but I know for a fact that the way he treats me, is the way every guy should treat their girls. Treat them like a princess!

One: Every high school has a 'player' rolling around the hallways. Never judge that player though, never judge him on how many girls' he's kissed in a week or whatever because that may be a front. Has everyone heard the saying 'never judge a book by its cover' Yeah? Well that's 'cause it's true! My best friend is currently dating the 'player' from our high school, he dated so many girls in one week that we lost count but now he's a changed person.
Two: If a guy treats you wrong, ditch him! Never take any crap from a guy (or anyone in that matter)! If a guy disrespects you in anyway, (making plans and breaking them, choosing to go to a party with friends and not inviting you, being rude), get rid of him because girl, you are much better than that! By not standing up and putting your foot down, you'll be walked over like a doormat, honestly.
Three: Saying no poiltely is a difficult thing, you don't want to hurt the guys feelings because you may seem like a (excuse the language) bitch. Everyone thinks that if the girl turns the guy down, it automatically makes them a bad person and gives them a rep as the 'heartbreaker' and nobody wants that name! So by telling them that they are a nice person but you're not exactly looking for a relationship or anything along them lines is the best thing possible!
Four: Don't make a fool of yourself. Nobody likes seeing or hearing a giggling, hair-twirling, cartoon floating hearts, girl flirting with her crush. Play it cool because that will work so much better! I've heard rumours about girls not replying to a message the guy sends them for a few days because they don't want to seem 'eager' but truthfully, that will just make the guy less interested in you. Don't wait for them to make the first move!

I'm sorry for this being an extremely short blog but it's just past midnight and the little one inside my belly is getting restless! Again, keep responding and posting more topics for me to cover and there will be another one posted on Sunday! =)

Stay Beautiful!
-Katieleigh (and baby Brown!);; xoox

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