Hello beautifuls!
How are you all?
I was asked in an email sent by a girl who wants to remain annonomous, to do a 10 fact blog. I thought that was great so I decided to do one! :-) But firstly, I want to bring up a really harsh subject.
I received a email a earlier this morning by a person, who I assume to be a girl. I won't give out the email. But let's just say that this email was absolutely disgusting and vile. She targetted me for being a teenage mother, she then went on to say how Carter was only staying with me for our daughters sake and the only reason he proposed is because of Lexie. The worst thing I found was that she disgustingly said that she wished my daughter had of died in the womb, in delivery or I miscarried because that would be a much 'better' opition for her.
I cannot express my anger at this moment, the police are carrying out an investigation and have took my laptop away to look further into this email. But now, I want to rant because I feel like the people who read my blog are friends of mine- yes we may not know each other personally but most of you read my stories or are on my instagram.
Let's get things straight: Carter has been in my life for 7 years, we've known each other from we were 10. Yes we started dating young, at only 12, but that doesn't mean a thing! Carter and I got engaged on Feburary 25th this year, I WAS NOT PREGNANT AT THE TIME so he did NOT propose just because I was pregnant. We had planned on living together from we were 14, we finally got a house a few months ago before Lexie was born!
MY DAUGHTER WAS NOT A MISTAKE! Carter and I planned this baby, sure maybe not as soon as we were expecting but she was still planned! I find it absolutely disgusting how someone could be so vile and wish a baby dead, a baby! A human being! That's is so disgusting I can't even begin! My beautiful little girl is loved by her whole family and they are fuming about this situation too.
If that nasty, revolting person is reading this. The police will find out and there will be consequences.
I will post another blog this Sunday (2nd December). So please keep an eye out for that and again, I'm sorry for ranting so much. I just needed to get this of my chest..
Stay beautiful
Love Katieleigh & Lexie xoxox
Exciting news! =))
Friday, 30 November 2012
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Baby Brown is finally here!
Hello beautifuls!
How are you all?
Well you're all now looking at a proud, new mommy! EEP!
Three days after my last blog, I was took into hospital (Wednesday 13th November) after suffering from braxton hicks. They started at 7AM and lasted until 7:20PM, that's when Carter convinced me to ring my midwife. Hazel- my lovely midwife, told me that if my braxton hicks got worse or they continued, I needed to come to the hospital.
8:45PM seemed to roll around in the blink of an eye and my braxton hicks where still there. They weren't getting worse but they were still very painful- that morning I rated them a 2 out of 10 but as the day went on the rate got higher and higher, by the time I was supposed to go to hospital, I rated them a 7 out of 10.
At my 35 week appointment with my midwife, she gave me a sheet of paper with a list of essentials I should pack in mine and the babies hospital bag. It was quiet the obvious things like; pyjamas, clothes for going home in, under ware, toiletries (including after-labour/night-time sanitary towels). And let me just tell you girls, I have never ever seen sanitary towels (or pads) as big, I mean they were seriously like diapers for adults! Anyway! The essentials for baby were; a baby blanket, onesies/baby grows as they are known (at least five of them), diapers, bottles even if they mother chooses to breast fed, wet wipes, burping cloths.
Baby's list was longer than mine!
Knowing that I wasn't fully in labour yet, I decided to shower before going to the hospital. I remained calm and collected whilst Carter looked like he was going to either pass-out, throw up or both! We arrived to the hospital at 8:50PM where our parents met us. I was immediately guided into a lilac room and told to make myself comfortable. By this time, the braxton hicks were coming and going every few minutes.
I did panic just because I wasn't due for four more days but I was sort of glad she was coming when she did because I couldn't wait any longer! Hazel came and checked if my waters were broke and as I expected, they weren't. I was told that if my waters didn't break naturally in SIX hours, then they would break them for me! I was hooked up to monitors and IV drips then left to get rest.
Our parents left at 9:30PM when visiting times were over. I wasn't allowed to drink or eat anything from 10PM, that was really annoying- I loved my food. At 12AM both Carter and I decided to get some sleep, but of course, since pregnancy prepared my body for a newborn baby, I was able to hear absolutely everything. From the annoying ticking of the clock to the screams of new mothers, to the phone ringing in the nurses station. Carter however is a deep sleeper so he heard NOTHING!
At 3:15AM, Hazel and two other midwives called Sandra and Yvonne, came into my room ready to break my waters only to find that the baby was sleeping. I didn't know this but a midwife or doctor can't break a pregnant woman's waters if they baby is asleep, if they do it can cause baby to stress or go into shock at the sudden pressure of the rod; I was oblivious to this so when they said they need to leave me another 3 hours, I was disappointed and slightly frustrated.
Over the next 3 hours, the braxton hicks began getting worse. They got sharper and lasted longer. Carter was completely at a lost, he done his best to help take some of the pain away by rubbing the bottom of my back and under my bump. It was funny because every time Carter rubbed my bump, the baby would kick or if the baby was kicking and hurting me, he would rub the spot and somehow, the pain settled.
Hazel, Sandra and Yvonne came in at 6:15AM and finally, my waters were broke at 6:30AM. Now the waiting game began..
Every hour Hazel was coming in and checking to see if I was dilated, by 8:30AM, I was already 4 cementers. But of course, I needed to get to 10. The pain was unbearable but I still didn't want an epidural- I despise needles with the greatest passion and knowing that it would be injected into my spine was a stomach wrenching thought. Hazel gave me gas and air, it was a good pain relief but it started to make me light headed and drowsy so I stopped and only used it when the pain was excruciating
My emotions began getting out of control, the pain was starting to get unbearable but I wasn't opting for an epidural. Carter, again was at a lost, he was in pain just as much as me. This was the first time he had experienced anything like this, he wasn't sure what was going on- he didn't know if the pain was because something was wrong or if it was normal. He held my hand and let me almost cut the circulation of when I squeezed it, he rubbed my back and continued to say reassuring things. He started talking about memories to try and divert my mind, I think that helped a lot because the memories he talked about where funny ones that made me laugh.
Our parents arrived at the hospital around 9-9:15AM, our dads waited outside in the hallway whilst our moms sat in the room with us.
Finally, after what seemed forever, Hazel and Sandra brought in this huge white medical equipment thing that I still don't know the name off. There's a picture of it on my instagram. It's where the nurses take the baby to clean him/her up, weigh and measure him/her.
At 12:57PM, I started to push with every contraction.
The pain was incredibly sore- it was a stinging and burning sensation from the muscles getting streched. I don't know how to describe it but I felt every single thing, from the baby being pushed through my stomach, to the head actually coming out of my vagina. The most painful part was when the shoulders was being pushed through, that was the worst pain ever.
At 1:17PM, the most beautiful, most precious baby girl was brought into this world. She was immediately put onto my chest and in that split second of laying eyes on her, I fell in love. Carter cut the cord after kissing his princess's forehead. Tears rushed from mine and Carter's eyes as we looked at our creation, still not knowing what her name would be.
After a few minutes, Sandra took her away to the piece of equipment that sitting in the corner. Carter was now the one getting emotional, repeating that he loved me and thanking me for giving him the most precious gift all while crying. Did he not realise that I had just had a baby and my emotions where still up and down like a rollercoaster?
"What will we name her?" Carter asked as he held our daughter, only 10 minutes old and dressed only in a small diaper and wrapped in a white blanket. We had a list of baby names for both gender, we'd both chose them together.
"I like Lexie." I said as he put her in my arms.
"She looks like a Lexie, doesn't she?" He said smiling, he reached his arm around my shoulder and stroked his finger over her cheek. She squirmed but didn't cry or utter a whimper. "Lexie Amelia."
It fitted her perfectly. Absolutely perfectly.
Lexie Amelia Brown.
6lbs 5oz.
I stayed in hospital for two days because I had high blood pressure from after labour. I wanted nothing more than just to get home and get into my own routine instead of being woke every five minutes by nurses or doctors.
At the hospital I gave birth at, they usually take the baby to the nursery for the first night to let the mother and father get rest. I hated knowing that she would be taken away from me, I was already so attached. I persuded Hazel to let her stay with me as long as I promised her if I needed anything, I'd buzz her.
I found it hard to get to sleep that night, I couldn't tear my eyes away from her. She was just to beautiful.
Carter agreed that he would stay awake the first night and feed her- she was being fed on formula, I tried breast feeding and OUCH! That was badddddd. We agreed to take turns on nights to stay awake and feed her and tonight is Carter's :-)
We got home two days ago to a house full of familiar faces. Mine and Carter's brothers had rushed out to buy the pink paint we picked months ago and painted her nursery on the night she was born so it was ready for her coming home!
Our two chihuahas were hesitant to go near this new creature that was moving into their home, they still don't like it when she cries but both of them will curl up beside her bouncer chair or at the foot of her basketnett.
Being a parent is definitely hard, there is no denying that. My time is taken up most of the time now! I mean this blog for instance- I started to write at 9:30PM and now it's 12:05AM! So yeah, you see what I mean, right? If I'm not washing baby clothing, I'm making formula or if I'm not making her bottles, I'm feeding or changing diapers. It's crazy but I would not change it for the world. I'm so thankful that I have my family around me who is only a phone call away, I'm thankful I have Carter who steps up a whole lot. He won't complain about washing dishes or making dinner, or changing diapers or feeding Lexie. He will do all of them things.
Lexie may be only five days old but she's an angel. I wouldn't trade her for the world. Nothing is more powerful that the love from a mother to a daughter.
Next step for me is to lose my baby weight but that isn't happening for a few more months!
Thank you all for the kind words, I love you all so much!
Stay beautiful!
Katieleigh & baby Lexie! xoxoxo
How are you all?
Well you're all now looking at a proud, new mommy! EEP!
Three days after my last blog, I was took into hospital (Wednesday 13th November) after suffering from braxton hicks. They started at 7AM and lasted until 7:20PM, that's when Carter convinced me to ring my midwife. Hazel- my lovely midwife, told me that if my braxton hicks got worse or they continued, I needed to come to the hospital.
8:45PM seemed to roll around in the blink of an eye and my braxton hicks where still there. They weren't getting worse but they were still very painful- that morning I rated them a 2 out of 10 but as the day went on the rate got higher and higher, by the time I was supposed to go to hospital, I rated them a 7 out of 10.
At my 35 week appointment with my midwife, she gave me a sheet of paper with a list of essentials I should pack in mine and the babies hospital bag. It was quiet the obvious things like; pyjamas, clothes for going home in, under ware, toiletries (including after-labour/night-time sanitary towels). And let me just tell you girls, I have never ever seen sanitary towels (or pads) as big, I mean they were seriously like diapers for adults! Anyway! The essentials for baby were; a baby blanket, onesies/baby grows as they are known (at least five of them), diapers, bottles even if they mother chooses to breast fed, wet wipes, burping cloths.
Baby's list was longer than mine!
Knowing that I wasn't fully in labour yet, I decided to shower before going to the hospital. I remained calm and collected whilst Carter looked like he was going to either pass-out, throw up or both! We arrived to the hospital at 8:50PM where our parents met us. I was immediately guided into a lilac room and told to make myself comfortable. By this time, the braxton hicks were coming and going every few minutes.
I did panic just because I wasn't due for four more days but I was sort of glad she was coming when she did because I couldn't wait any longer! Hazel came and checked if my waters were broke and as I expected, they weren't. I was told that if my waters didn't break naturally in SIX hours, then they would break them for me! I was hooked up to monitors and IV drips then left to get rest.
Our parents left at 9:30PM when visiting times were over. I wasn't allowed to drink or eat anything from 10PM, that was really annoying- I loved my food. At 12AM both Carter and I decided to get some sleep, but of course, since pregnancy prepared my body for a newborn baby, I was able to hear absolutely everything. From the annoying ticking of the clock to the screams of new mothers, to the phone ringing in the nurses station. Carter however is a deep sleeper so he heard NOTHING!
At 3:15AM, Hazel and two other midwives called Sandra and Yvonne, came into my room ready to break my waters only to find that the baby was sleeping. I didn't know this but a midwife or doctor can't break a pregnant woman's waters if they baby is asleep, if they do it can cause baby to stress or go into shock at the sudden pressure of the rod; I was oblivious to this so when they said they need to leave me another 3 hours, I was disappointed and slightly frustrated.
Over the next 3 hours, the braxton hicks began getting worse. They got sharper and lasted longer. Carter was completely at a lost, he done his best to help take some of the pain away by rubbing the bottom of my back and under my bump. It was funny because every time Carter rubbed my bump, the baby would kick or if the baby was kicking and hurting me, he would rub the spot and somehow, the pain settled.
Hazel, Sandra and Yvonne came in at 6:15AM and finally, my waters were broke at 6:30AM. Now the waiting game began..
Every hour Hazel was coming in and checking to see if I was dilated, by 8:30AM, I was already 4 cementers. But of course, I needed to get to 10. The pain was unbearable but I still didn't want an epidural- I despise needles with the greatest passion and knowing that it would be injected into my spine was a stomach wrenching thought. Hazel gave me gas and air, it was a good pain relief but it started to make me light headed and drowsy so I stopped and only used it when the pain was excruciating
My emotions began getting out of control, the pain was starting to get unbearable but I wasn't opting for an epidural. Carter, again was at a lost, he was in pain just as much as me. This was the first time he had experienced anything like this, he wasn't sure what was going on- he didn't know if the pain was because something was wrong or if it was normal. He held my hand and let me almost cut the circulation of when I squeezed it, he rubbed my back and continued to say reassuring things. He started talking about memories to try and divert my mind, I think that helped a lot because the memories he talked about where funny ones that made me laugh.
Our parents arrived at the hospital around 9-9:15AM, our dads waited outside in the hallway whilst our moms sat in the room with us.
Finally, after what seemed forever, Hazel and Sandra brought in this huge white medical equipment thing that I still don't know the name off. There's a picture of it on my instagram. It's where the nurses take the baby to clean him/her up, weigh and measure him/her.
At 12:57PM, I started to push with every contraction.
The pain was incredibly sore- it was a stinging and burning sensation from the muscles getting streched. I don't know how to describe it but I felt every single thing, from the baby being pushed through my stomach, to the head actually coming out of my vagina. The most painful part was when the shoulders was being pushed through, that was the worst pain ever.
At 1:17PM, the most beautiful, most precious baby girl was brought into this world. She was immediately put onto my chest and in that split second of laying eyes on her, I fell in love. Carter cut the cord after kissing his princess's forehead. Tears rushed from mine and Carter's eyes as we looked at our creation, still not knowing what her name would be.
After a few minutes, Sandra took her away to the piece of equipment that sitting in the corner. Carter was now the one getting emotional, repeating that he loved me and thanking me for giving him the most precious gift all while crying. Did he not realise that I had just had a baby and my emotions where still up and down like a rollercoaster?
"What will we name her?" Carter asked as he held our daughter, only 10 minutes old and dressed only in a small diaper and wrapped in a white blanket. We had a list of baby names for both gender, we'd both chose them together.
"I like Lexie." I said as he put her in my arms.
"She looks like a Lexie, doesn't she?" He said smiling, he reached his arm around my shoulder and stroked his finger over her cheek. She squirmed but didn't cry or utter a whimper. "Lexie Amelia."
It fitted her perfectly. Absolutely perfectly.
Lexie Amelia Brown.
6lbs 5oz.
I stayed in hospital for two days because I had high blood pressure from after labour. I wanted nothing more than just to get home and get into my own routine instead of being woke every five minutes by nurses or doctors.
At the hospital I gave birth at, they usually take the baby to the nursery for the first night to let the mother and father get rest. I hated knowing that she would be taken away from me, I was already so attached. I persuded Hazel to let her stay with me as long as I promised her if I needed anything, I'd buzz her.
I found it hard to get to sleep that night, I couldn't tear my eyes away from her. She was just to beautiful.
Carter agreed that he would stay awake the first night and feed her- she was being fed on formula, I tried breast feeding and OUCH! That was badddddd. We agreed to take turns on nights to stay awake and feed her and tonight is Carter's :-)
We got home two days ago to a house full of familiar faces. Mine and Carter's brothers had rushed out to buy the pink paint we picked months ago and painted her nursery on the night she was born so it was ready for her coming home!
Our two chihuahas were hesitant to go near this new creature that was moving into their home, they still don't like it when she cries but both of them will curl up beside her bouncer chair or at the foot of her basketnett.
Being a parent is definitely hard, there is no denying that. My time is taken up most of the time now! I mean this blog for instance- I started to write at 9:30PM and now it's 12:05AM! So yeah, you see what I mean, right? If I'm not washing baby clothing, I'm making formula or if I'm not making her bottles, I'm feeding or changing diapers. It's crazy but I would not change it for the world. I'm so thankful that I have my family around me who is only a phone call away, I'm thankful I have Carter who steps up a whole lot. He won't complain about washing dishes or making dinner, or changing diapers or feeding Lexie. He will do all of them things.
Lexie may be only five days old but she's an angel. I wouldn't trade her for the world. Nothing is more powerful that the love from a mother to a daughter.
Next step for me is to lose my baby weight but that isn't happening for a few more months!
Thank you all for the kind words, I love you all so much!
Stay beautiful!
Katieleigh & baby Lexie! xoxoxo
Saturday, 10 November 2012
we are familyyyyy
Hello beautifuls!
How are you all?
Well I was supposed to post this yesterday (11/9/2012) but I ended up going to hospital with very bad pains in my stomach. Honestly, I thought I was in labour but the very kind midwife told me I only had braxton hicks.
Braxton hicks are false contractions for those who don't know, they prepare your body for labour and usually comes around the last week or two of pregnancy. I only have 7 days before my due date so I was expecting them, that didn't make them hurt any less though! I cannot believe I'm going to be a mom next week, it feels like only yesterday I found out I was pregnant and now my baby is almost here! EEP!
Anyway, I was asked about my brothers and sisters AND Carter's.- how many there is, how old they are etc, so I decided to post a small blog about them all!
My family first;-
Craig - 27 years old.
Christopher - 25 years old.
Lydia - 22 years old
Melissa-Jane - 21 years old
ME! - 17 years old.
Hannah - 11 years old.
Chloe-Mae (pronouced May.) - 6 years old.
Carter's family;-
Paul - 29 years old.
Liam - 27 years old.
Michelle - 21 years old.
Carter - 17 years old.
Cassidy - 7 years old.
Darcy - 5 years old.
Nieces & nephews;-
Abi - 4 years old. (Paul's daughter.)
Gracie - 3 years old. (Craig's daughter)
Summer - 1 years old. (Craig's daughter)
Jackson - 1 years old. (Lydia's son.)
Jayson - 3 years old. (Liam's twin son )
Hallie - 3 years old. (Liam's twin daughter)
Jessica - 2 months old (Michelle's daughter.)
Macie - 8 months old (Christopher's daughter)
We do have a big family- actually, a huge one but the love that holds us all together is magical. Because Carter and I have been together so long, our nieces and nephews have grew up calling auntie and uncle. Carter's sisters and brothers count me as their sisters, the exact same goes with mine siblings too.
Carter's brother Paul and girlfriend of 8 years, have just announced that they are about to become parents in seven months. We are all delighted for them :-).
So yeah, that's a little more personal information about our families and by my next post, there will be a new, beautiful little addition! :-)
Maybe a blog post will be posted before I go into hospital, if not, the next one will be posted to introduce you all to my precious little daughter or son!
stay beautiful!
Katieleigh & Baby Brown! xoxoxo
How are you all?
Well I was supposed to post this yesterday (11/9/2012) but I ended up going to hospital with very bad pains in my stomach. Honestly, I thought I was in labour but the very kind midwife told me I only had braxton hicks.
Braxton hicks are false contractions for those who don't know, they prepare your body for labour and usually comes around the last week or two of pregnancy. I only have 7 days before my due date so I was expecting them, that didn't make them hurt any less though! I cannot believe I'm going to be a mom next week, it feels like only yesterday I found out I was pregnant and now my baby is almost here! EEP!
Anyway, I was asked about my brothers and sisters AND Carter's.- how many there is, how old they are etc, so I decided to post a small blog about them all!
My family first;-
Craig - 27 years old.
Christopher - 25 years old.
Lydia - 22 years old
Melissa-Jane - 21 years old
ME! - 17 years old.
Hannah - 11 years old.
Chloe-Mae (pronouced May.) - 6 years old.
Carter's family;-
Paul - 29 years old.
Liam - 27 years old.
Michelle - 21 years old.
Carter - 17 years old.
Cassidy - 7 years old.
Darcy - 5 years old.
Nieces & nephews;-
Abi - 4 years old. (Paul's daughter.)
Gracie - 3 years old. (Craig's daughter)
Summer - 1 years old. (Craig's daughter)
Jackson - 1 years old. (Lydia's son.)
Jayson - 3 years old. (Liam's twin son )
Hallie - 3 years old. (Liam's twin daughter)
Jessica - 2 months old (Michelle's daughter.)
Macie - 8 months old (Christopher's daughter)
We do have a big family- actually, a huge one but the love that holds us all together is magical. Because Carter and I have been together so long, our nieces and nephews have grew up calling auntie and uncle. Carter's sisters and brothers count me as their sisters, the exact same goes with mine siblings too.
Carter's brother Paul and girlfriend of 8 years, have just announced that they are about to become parents in seven months. We are all delighted for them :-).
So yeah, that's a little more personal information about our families and by my next post, there will be a new, beautiful little addition! :-)
Maybe a blog post will be posted before I go into hospital, if not, the next one will be posted to introduce you all to my precious little daughter or son!
stay beautiful!
Katieleigh & Baby Brown! xoxoxo
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Romantic trip.
Hello beautifuls!
How are you?
So I really was planning to update this last Sunday but I got lost track of time as Carter and I were going on a 'secret' romantic week early hours of Monday morning. I apologise but now I'm back with excellent Internet connection!
Carter ended up taking me to Blackpool, England. I had never been there before but Carter has. When he advised me to pack extremely warm, I obviously took it on board but never did I expect it to be as cold as what it was! I'm used to the coldness, being from Canada but as I tell everyone, UK weather and Canadian weather is very different! Blackpool was so pretty with the illuminations spread right along the promande, I could see why Carter loved the place!
During our stay, I went to a fortune teller- She told me the exact length of time Carter and I had been together, she told me that my baby will be a girl, she told me that Carter and I are very indepentant and mature for our age. Carter doesn't believe in things like that, but I do and when she told me everything, I was caught in a daze that I couldn't stop thinking about for hours! Carter kept laughing at me.
However our stay wasn't all that cheery. On Thursday, I was a vicim of violent taunts from a group of teenagers aged between 15-17 all because I was pregnant. Carter and I were walking along 'central pier', minding our own bussiness when we stopped by the hoopla section. You guys know what hoopla is, right? Where a person throw small rings and tries to get them on the bottles? Carter was determaned to win a beautiful tatty teddy bear dressed in a yellow coloured onsie- he wanted to win it for the baby. As I was watching him try, I could feel things being thrown at me, when I looked I could see popcorn falling to the boards below my feet. I turned around to face 6 teenagers, two boys and four girls.
I decided to ignore it, holding onto my bump protectively. I kept my mouth shut and continued to watch Carter, but I still felt the popcorn being thrown at me. Carter finally won the teddy, he was so proud as the guy held it out to him and said. "Congratulations, I'm sure you two will be great parents." I wasn't planning to tell Carter about the teenagers, but he found out when one of the girls aimed for me and accidently hit Carter.
I could see the fury in Carter's eyes as he questioned me about the popcorn. Normally, I wouldn't have gotten so upset but I was extremely emotional and worried for my babys sake. Carter marched over to the group with his fists clentched tightly. No matter how much pleading for him to stop, he didn't. He asked them what their problem was, why the felt like it was right to bully me.
"She opened her legs and got knocked up, that what we call slutty." Was the exact words that tumbled from one of the girls mouths. The others just giggled childishly.
"Oh yeah? So because my fiance who I've known for seven years, who has been my girlfriend for five, who has been my fiance for eight months, is carrying our beloved baby, that makes her a slut?" Carter snapped at them, the anger lacing each word. By this time, I was crying- actually, I think I was on the boarderline of sobbing. On of the guys, aged 17, came into Carter's face tormenting him with lies about the baby not being his. Carter has never been a violent person but when it comes for his family, he will fight the world if needs be.
Before I knew it, sercurity were crowded around us, holding back the group and Carter. The group lied and blamed Carter on starting the fight- the sercurity was ready to call police until the nice man who Carter won the teddy bear of, stepped up and told the sercurity that it was indeed the group who started. The police weren't called but the group was kicked off the pier. After that, I wanted to get as far away from there as possible.
Carter is still angry from the whole thing, mine and Carter's siblings were just as furious. They couldn't understand why I was so calm and pushing it away like nothing. That's when I explained that I wasn't getting worked up because I was expecting something like this to happen somewhere during my pregnancy. I mean, I'm 17 and about to become a mom. Obviously people are going to have judgements. People have judgements on everything in life, whether it being pregnancy or not, you're still being judged.
I however, hate that. I hate being judged. I hate people judging others.
For example, Carter's brother has both arms covered in tattoos. He has a tattoo on the side of his neck and across his chest too and people assume that he is some gangster thug that will pull out a gun if you look at him wrong- That is not the case, Paul is the most kind, caring person ever with a wonderful girlfriend and a beautiful daughter, he is a big charity worker too.
That's why I never judge people, never. I don't know them personally nor do I know their life, it's not my place to have a judgement.
Anyway, apart from that I had an amazing week and I thank Carter for taking me on that break as our little bundle of joy is due in exactly two weeks! Eepppp! I'm so excited and I can't thank you guys enough for being so kind towards me:-)
I hope to talk to you all soon!
PS: When my baby is born, I will be making my instagram private because but you will still be able to view them from statgram I think!
Pregnancy tracker: 38 weeks 0 days
Stay beautiful!
Katieleigh & baby Brown! xoxox.
How are you?
So I really was planning to update this last Sunday but I got lost track of time as Carter and I were going on a 'secret' romantic week early hours of Monday morning. I apologise but now I'm back with excellent Internet connection!
Carter ended up taking me to Blackpool, England. I had never been there before but Carter has. When he advised me to pack extremely warm, I obviously took it on board but never did I expect it to be as cold as what it was! I'm used to the coldness, being from Canada but as I tell everyone, UK weather and Canadian weather is very different! Blackpool was so pretty with the illuminations spread right along the promande, I could see why Carter loved the place!
During our stay, I went to a fortune teller- She told me the exact length of time Carter and I had been together, she told me that my baby will be a girl, she told me that Carter and I are very indepentant and mature for our age. Carter doesn't believe in things like that, but I do and when she told me everything, I was caught in a daze that I couldn't stop thinking about for hours! Carter kept laughing at me.
However our stay wasn't all that cheery. On Thursday, I was a vicim of violent taunts from a group of teenagers aged between 15-17 all because I was pregnant. Carter and I were walking along 'central pier', minding our own bussiness when we stopped by the hoopla section. You guys know what hoopla is, right? Where a person throw small rings and tries to get them on the bottles? Carter was determaned to win a beautiful tatty teddy bear dressed in a yellow coloured onsie- he wanted to win it for the baby. As I was watching him try, I could feel things being thrown at me, when I looked I could see popcorn falling to the boards below my feet. I turned around to face 6 teenagers, two boys and four girls.
I decided to ignore it, holding onto my bump protectively. I kept my mouth shut and continued to watch Carter, but I still felt the popcorn being thrown at me. Carter finally won the teddy, he was so proud as the guy held it out to him and said. "Congratulations, I'm sure you two will be great parents." I wasn't planning to tell Carter about the teenagers, but he found out when one of the girls aimed for me and accidently hit Carter.
I could see the fury in Carter's eyes as he questioned me about the popcorn. Normally, I wouldn't have gotten so upset but I was extremely emotional and worried for my babys sake. Carter marched over to the group with his fists clentched tightly. No matter how much pleading for him to stop, he didn't. He asked them what their problem was, why the felt like it was right to bully me.
"She opened her legs and got knocked up, that what we call slutty." Was the exact words that tumbled from one of the girls mouths. The others just giggled childishly.
"Oh yeah? So because my fiance who I've known for seven years, who has been my girlfriend for five, who has been my fiance for eight months, is carrying our beloved baby, that makes her a slut?" Carter snapped at them, the anger lacing each word. By this time, I was crying- actually, I think I was on the boarderline of sobbing. On of the guys, aged 17, came into Carter's face tormenting him with lies about the baby not being his. Carter has never been a violent person but when it comes for his family, he will fight the world if needs be.
Before I knew it, sercurity were crowded around us, holding back the group and Carter. The group lied and blamed Carter on starting the fight- the sercurity was ready to call police until the nice man who Carter won the teddy bear of, stepped up and told the sercurity that it was indeed the group who started. The police weren't called but the group was kicked off the pier. After that, I wanted to get as far away from there as possible.
Carter is still angry from the whole thing, mine and Carter's siblings were just as furious. They couldn't understand why I was so calm and pushing it away like nothing. That's when I explained that I wasn't getting worked up because I was expecting something like this to happen somewhere during my pregnancy. I mean, I'm 17 and about to become a mom. Obviously people are going to have judgements. People have judgements on everything in life, whether it being pregnancy or not, you're still being judged.
I however, hate that. I hate being judged. I hate people judging others.
For example, Carter's brother has both arms covered in tattoos. He has a tattoo on the side of his neck and across his chest too and people assume that he is some gangster thug that will pull out a gun if you look at him wrong- That is not the case, Paul is the most kind, caring person ever with a wonderful girlfriend and a beautiful daughter, he is a big charity worker too.
That's why I never judge people, never. I don't know them personally nor do I know their life, it's not my place to have a judgement.
Anyway, apart from that I had an amazing week and I thank Carter for taking me on that break as our little bundle of joy is due in exactly two weeks! Eepppp! I'm so excited and I can't thank you guys enough for being so kind towards me:-)
I hope to talk to you all soon!
PS: When my baby is born, I will be making my instagram private because but you will still be able to view them from statgram I think!
Pregnancy tracker: 38 weeks 0 days
Stay beautiful!
Katieleigh & baby Brown! xoxox.
Saturday, 20 October 2012
May be deleting my blog..
Hello beautifuls!
How are you all?

Anyway, I know I haven't been updating this much but I do have a few good reasons.
1. Baby Brown is due in exactly four weeks! (I know right, it seems like only yesterday I was finding out and now I'm almost due!). my bump is getting bigger, my ankles has been swelling and I was even put on bed rest for three days. I've been preparing for the baby by getting our hospital bags ready, getting the final touches in the nursery ready, etc..
2. Nobody really has been leaving comments, emails, tweets etc, for me to write about anything and my baby brain isn't good at the moment at thinking of ideas! So please please please, get in contact with me! I'll leave the information at the end.
So, yeah, you can understand, right?
I don't really know if I should keep doing my blog or too stop.. It's really up to you guys! If you want me to keep going please contact me and tell me!
email- katiebryee@ymail.com
polyvore - katie bryee
twitter - JBieber__UK
instagram/statigram - KatieLeigh Bryee
I always reply to everything! :-)
Thanks guys!
pregnancy tracker: 36 weeks 0 days.
stay beautiful!
Katieleigh & baby Brown! xoxox
How are you all?
Anyway, I know I haven't been updating this much but I do have a few good reasons.
1. Baby Brown is due in exactly four weeks! (I know right, it seems like only yesterday I was finding out and now I'm almost due!). my bump is getting bigger, my ankles has been swelling and I was even put on bed rest for three days. I've been preparing for the baby by getting our hospital bags ready, getting the final touches in the nursery ready, etc..
2. Nobody really has been leaving comments, emails, tweets etc, for me to write about anything and my baby brain isn't good at the moment at thinking of ideas! So please please please, get in contact with me! I'll leave the information at the end.
So, yeah, you can understand, right?
I don't really know if I should keep doing my blog or too stop.. It's really up to you guys! If you want me to keep going please contact me and tell me!
email- katiebryee@ymail.com
polyvore - katie bryee
twitter - JBieber__UK
instagram/statigram - KatieLeigh Bryee
I always reply to everything! :-)
Thanks guys!
pregnancy tracker: 36 weeks 0 days.
stay beautiful!
Katieleigh & baby Brown! xoxox
Sunday, 23 September 2012
My maternity outfits!
Hello beautifuls!
How are you all?
I was send an email asking about maternity clothing. Did I buy anything? How much where the items? What was the most expensive thing? Did my fashion change in any way because I was pregnant? I thought that this was a really good point so I decided that I'd make a blog on it linking a few pictures, kinda like outfits of the day but only I'm not going to be in the picture wearing the things; they'll be off my polyvore where I recreated all my outfits.
Reason for this is, my iphone smashed and it looked ridiculous holding an ipad to take a self-photo so I gave that idea up and just worked into the next one which was using polyvore! One of my favourite sites, everrrrrrrrrrr.
I didn't buy too many maternity things. Michelle past a few of her maternity things that she hadn't got to wear because baby Jessica (who is doing amazingly well) was born early, so I am very thankful for that! The things I did buy was only a few maternity tops/tee's, sweaters, bump jeans, a cute maternity maxi dress and two pairs of maternity leggings because the leggings I had been using up until I turned 29 weeks, where fitting perfectly but the waistband got slightly tight. The items I did buy where extremely inexpensive, the cheapest thing which was a plain white cami (which came in a pack of 2!) where only £5.00 (UK currency!).
I also used a few things that I had before I got pregnant, things like my baggy cardigan from Topshop and my cropped blazer/jacket from H&M. Without a doubt, all my outfits where matched around the comfiest shoes I own; converse, TOMS, sandals and slippers (which by the way, aren't the slippers you lounge around the house in!). Comfort came first for me!
The most expensive maternity thing I bought was embroidered shirt (£43) and my denim studded shirt(£40). I didn't mind the price because I knew that both items would go with almost anything, I could match them up with many different outfits which is exactly what I did and believe me, I'm definitely getting my moneys worth! They are two of the most comfiest pieces of clothing I own!
My fashion didn't change that much in my eyes, apart from the fact I needed to find clothes that fitted around a large bump! I still get told that I'm very stylish even when I'm pregnant so, no, it hasn't really changed..
So, now time for the pictures! Again, these are the exact outfits that I own and worn! The maternity clothing I bought are included! All items bought from local stores (apart from the Louis Vuitton bag) and all put together by myself.
How are you all?
I was send an email asking about maternity clothing. Did I buy anything? How much where the items? What was the most expensive thing? Did my fashion change in any way because I was pregnant? I thought that this was a really good point so I decided that I'd make a blog on it linking a few pictures, kinda like outfits of the day but only I'm not going to be in the picture wearing the things; they'll be off my polyvore where I recreated all my outfits.
Reason for this is, my iphone smashed and it looked ridiculous holding an ipad to take a self-photo so I gave that idea up and just worked into the next one which was using polyvore! One of my favourite sites, everrrrrrrrrrr.
I didn't buy too many maternity things. Michelle past a few of her maternity things that she hadn't got to wear because baby Jessica (who is doing amazingly well) was born early, so I am very thankful for that! The things I did buy was only a few maternity tops/tee's, sweaters, bump jeans, a cute maternity maxi dress and two pairs of maternity leggings because the leggings I had been using up until I turned 29 weeks, where fitting perfectly but the waistband got slightly tight. The items I did buy where extremely inexpensive, the cheapest thing which was a plain white cami (which came in a pack of 2!) where only £5.00 (UK currency!).
I also used a few things that I had before I got pregnant, things like my baggy cardigan from Topshop and my cropped blazer/jacket from H&M. Without a doubt, all my outfits where matched around the comfiest shoes I own; converse, TOMS, sandals and slippers (which by the way, aren't the slippers you lounge around the house in!). Comfort came first for me!
The most expensive maternity thing I bought was embroidered shirt (£43) and my denim studded shirt(£40). I didn't mind the price because I knew that both items would go with almost anything, I could match them up with many different outfits which is exactly what I did and believe me, I'm definitely getting my moneys worth! They are two of the most comfiest pieces of clothing I own!
My fashion didn't change that much in my eyes, apart from the fact I needed to find clothes that fitted around a large bump! I still get told that I'm very stylish even when I'm pregnant so, no, it hasn't really changed..
So, now time for the pictures! Again, these are the exact outfits that I own and worn! The maternity clothing I bought are included! All items bought from local stores (apart from the Louis Vuitton bag) and all put together by myself.
I hope you guys liked this post, I know I did! Don't be shy, contact me by using all the links below! If you want me to do more posts, please let me know!
Pregnancy Tracker: 32 weeks, 1 day!
PS: I have changed my writing, I'm not using colour anymore and I've also changed the background too! I felt like it was time for a change =)
Stay beautiful!
Katieleigh & Baby Brown! xoxox
Friday, 14 September 2012
Precious baby girl.
Hello beautifuls.
How are you all?
(This blog was wrote this morning but only posted now.)
So, I know that this blog is late/early. Late because I didn't post on Sunday(9th) but early because I'm posting Friday(14th). It's currently 02:46AM on Friday morning and Carter and I have just arrived back from hospital 10 minutes ago and this time, it wasn't because of me or baby Brown.
Carter's older sister had her precious little baby girl last night at 11:23PM. Michelle was thirty-four weeks pregnant, she was due for the 23rd October 2012. Everything was going perfectly fine, she did everything by the books; not telling anyone she was pregnant until her first trimester was over, reading baby books everyday, not eating anything that she wasn't supposed to, not drinking any alcohol (and she didn't smoke in the first place so that was defintely crossed out).
Michelle is 21. She's the third oldest out of the five of Carter's siblings. When she and her fiance announced she was pregnant, it was such a surprise because she had always said she didn't want kids until she was at least 26. Two weeks later, I announced my pregnancy. Michelle and I have been going out shopping together, buying baby things, etc. We were both so excited to find out that there was only a mere three weeks apart from our due dates, we even started planning our babies future. (They were going to school together, they'd be more like siblings than cousins, etc.)
Carter had only got in from work at 9PM last night, like normal he came home and ate then showered, with my swollen ankles and sore feet, I already made myself comfy in bed with my Nicolas Sparks book. Carter climbed in bedside me and was out cold within five minutes. However, I couldn't sleep at all! I kept getting this twisting feeling in my stomach, I thought it was just baby Brown moving but then ten minutes after this feeling started we got a phonecall from Carter's oldest sister.
In a blind panick, she rushed her words out about Michelle being rushed into hospital and that she wanted Carter and I there. I started shaking Carter and calling out his name; (He is such a heavy sleeper and when he's exhaused, it's even worse!) when he didn't wake, I started hitting him (NOT IN A VIOLENT WAY!). He woke up, grumpy. Just like he is when he doesn't get his rest (drama queen, right?). After telling him that Michelle was rushed into hospital, he sprung upright and grabbed the first pieces of clothing he could gather. For a split second, he forgot I was pregnant when he repeatedly started shouting 'Hurry up Katie!' when I wasn't hot on his heels.
Finally after what seemed like forever, we arrived at the hospital. Carter this time had remember I was carrying a human that was going to drop out of me in less than 10 weeks. We were lead up to a private room Michelle was moved into by a nice nurse who was waiting for our arrival.
Michelle and Carter has always had a extremely close relationship, closer than any other siblings I know. They've been best friends since day one. So when Carter appeared in the room, Michelle burst out in tears and grasped her little brother in a tight hug. She kept repeating that she was scared and that she was scared for the her baby girl (they had a gender scan done a few months ago).
Within a few minutes, Michelle was rolled away to have an emergancy c-section. Carter and I were left wandering the halls with so many thoughts going through our heads. I've never see Carter properly break down in tears until last night, when I tried to reassure him about his sister and niece he told me that, that wasn't the reason why he was crying.
He was crying because he realised how precious life is, that we couldn't tell what was around the corner. His sister and niece's life was in danger. His niece was going to be born premature and has only a 60% of survival. It got him thinking about our baby, was he/she going to be born early, would he/she have complications, would he lose me or the baby or both? Trying to calm him down, I grabbed his hands and rested them on my huge baby bump where our little one kicked; hard. That seemed to work.
At 23:23PM baby Jessica Clare was born by emergancy c-section. Immediately she was hooked up to many different machines including a feeding tube, she was rushed to BICU (baby intensive care unit). Michelle wasn't allowed to see her, she was also being closely monitored by hospital staff.
01:26AM, Carter, myself and John (Michelles fiance) was allowed to go and see the precious little girl who was placed inside an inkubator. She looked so small, so delicate but so healthy. At 01:45AM, it was announced that Michelle and Jessica would both be fine and they were both doing amazingly well. Michelle had preeclampsia which can cause miscarriage, still-birth, future health promblems in both mother and baby's case. Thankfully the doctors managed to get Jessica out before any of that could happen.
It made me realise that life is even more precious than I thought. It also made me even more scared but hopefully with the people I have by my side, me and baby Brown will make it through safe and happy.
Pregnancy tracker: 30 weeks and 6 days.
Stay beautiful!
Katieleigh (and baby Brown);xoox
How are you all?
(This blog was wrote this morning but only posted now.)
So, I know that this blog is late/early. Late because I didn't post on Sunday(9th) but early because I'm posting Friday(14th). It's currently 02:46AM on Friday morning and Carter and I have just arrived back from hospital 10 minutes ago and this time, it wasn't because of me or baby Brown.
Carter's older sister had her precious little baby girl last night at 11:23PM. Michelle was thirty-four weeks pregnant, she was due for the 23rd October 2012. Everything was going perfectly fine, she did everything by the books; not telling anyone she was pregnant until her first trimester was over, reading baby books everyday, not eating anything that she wasn't supposed to, not drinking any alcohol (and she didn't smoke in the first place so that was defintely crossed out).
Michelle is 21. She's the third oldest out of the five of Carter's siblings. When she and her fiance announced she was pregnant, it was such a surprise because she had always said she didn't want kids until she was at least 26. Two weeks later, I announced my pregnancy. Michelle and I have been going out shopping together, buying baby things, etc. We were both so excited to find out that there was only a mere three weeks apart from our due dates, we even started planning our babies future. (They were going to school together, they'd be more like siblings than cousins, etc.)
Carter had only got in from work at 9PM last night, like normal he came home and ate then showered, with my swollen ankles and sore feet, I already made myself comfy in bed with my Nicolas Sparks book. Carter climbed in bedside me and was out cold within five minutes. However, I couldn't sleep at all! I kept getting this twisting feeling in my stomach, I thought it was just baby Brown moving but then ten minutes after this feeling started we got a phonecall from Carter's oldest sister.
In a blind panick, she rushed her words out about Michelle being rushed into hospital and that she wanted Carter and I there. I started shaking Carter and calling out his name; (He is such a heavy sleeper and when he's exhaused, it's even worse!) when he didn't wake, I started hitting him (NOT IN A VIOLENT WAY!). He woke up, grumpy. Just like he is when he doesn't get his rest (drama queen, right?). After telling him that Michelle was rushed into hospital, he sprung upright and grabbed the first pieces of clothing he could gather. For a split second, he forgot I was pregnant when he repeatedly started shouting 'Hurry up Katie!' when I wasn't hot on his heels.
Finally after what seemed like forever, we arrived at the hospital. Carter this time had remember I was carrying a human that was going to drop out of me in less than 10 weeks. We were lead up to a private room Michelle was moved into by a nice nurse who was waiting for our arrival.
Michelle and Carter has always had a extremely close relationship, closer than any other siblings I know. They've been best friends since day one. So when Carter appeared in the room, Michelle burst out in tears and grasped her little brother in a tight hug. She kept repeating that she was scared and that she was scared for the her baby girl (they had a gender scan done a few months ago).
Within a few minutes, Michelle was rolled away to have an emergancy c-section. Carter and I were left wandering the halls with so many thoughts going through our heads. I've never see Carter properly break down in tears until last night, when I tried to reassure him about his sister and niece he told me that, that wasn't the reason why he was crying.
He was crying because he realised how precious life is, that we couldn't tell what was around the corner. His sister and niece's life was in danger. His niece was going to be born premature and has only a 60% of survival. It got him thinking about our baby, was he/she going to be born early, would he/she have complications, would he lose me or the baby or both? Trying to calm him down, I grabbed his hands and rested them on my huge baby bump where our little one kicked; hard. That seemed to work.
At 23:23PM baby Jessica Clare was born by emergancy c-section. Immediately she was hooked up to many different machines including a feeding tube, she was rushed to BICU (baby intensive care unit). Michelle wasn't allowed to see her, she was also being closely monitored by hospital staff.
01:26AM, Carter, myself and John (Michelles fiance) was allowed to go and see the precious little girl who was placed inside an inkubator. She looked so small, so delicate but so healthy. At 01:45AM, it was announced that Michelle and Jessica would both be fine and they were both doing amazingly well. Michelle had preeclampsia which can cause miscarriage, still-birth, future health promblems in both mother and baby's case. Thankfully the doctors managed to get Jessica out before any of that could happen.
It made me realise that life is even more precious than I thought. It also made me even more scared but hopefully with the people I have by my side, me and baby Brown will make it through safe and happy.
Pregnancy tracker: 30 weeks and 6 days.
Stay beautiful!
Katieleigh (and baby Brown);xoox
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