Saturday 3 November 2012

Romantic trip.

Hello beautifuls!
How are you?

So I really was planning to update this last Sunday but I got lost track of time as Carter and I were going on a 'secret' romantic week early hours of Monday morning. I apologise but now I'm back with excellent Internet connection!

Carter ended up taking me to Blackpool, England. I had never been there before but Carter has. When he advised me to pack extremely warm, I obviously took it on board but never did I expect it to be as cold as what it was! I'm used to the coldness, being from Canada but as I tell everyone, UK weather and Canadian weather is very different! Blackpool was so pretty with the illuminations spread right along the promande, I could see why Carter loved the place!

During our stay, I went to a fortune teller- She told me the exact length of time Carter and I had been together, she told me that my baby will be a girl, she told me that Carter and I are very indepentant and mature for our age. Carter doesn't believe in things like that, but I do and when she told me everything, I was caught in a daze that I couldn't stop thinking about for hours! Carter kept laughing at me.

However our stay wasn't all that cheery. On Thursday, I was a vicim of violent taunts from a group of teenagers aged between 15-17 all because I was pregnant. Carter and I were walking along 'central pier', minding our own bussiness when we stopped by the hoopla section. You guys know what hoopla is, right? Where a person throw small rings and tries to get them on the bottles? Carter was determaned to win a beautiful tatty teddy bear dressed in a yellow coloured onsie- he wanted to win it for the baby. As I was watching him try, I could feel things being thrown at me, when I looked I could see popcorn falling to the boards below my feet. I turned around to face 6 teenagers, two boys and four girls.

I decided to ignore it, holding onto my bump protectively. I kept my mouth shut and continued to watch Carter, but I still felt the popcorn being thrown at me. Carter finally won the teddy, he was so proud as the guy held it out to him and said. "Congratulations, I'm sure you two will be great parents." I wasn't planning to tell Carter about the teenagers, but he found out when one of the girls aimed for me and accidently hit Carter.

I could see the fury in Carter's eyes as he questioned me about the popcorn. Normally, I wouldn't have gotten so upset but I was extremely emotional and worried for my babys sake. Carter marched over to the group with his fists clentched tightly. No matter how much pleading for him to stop, he didn't. He asked them what their problem was, why the felt like it was right to bully me.

"She opened her legs and got knocked up, that what we call slutty." Was the exact words that tumbled from one of the girls mouths. The others just giggled childishly.

"Oh yeah? So because my fiance who I've known for seven years, who has been my girlfriend for five, who has been my fiance for eight months, is carrying our beloved baby, that makes her a slut?" Carter snapped at them, the anger lacing each word. By this time, I was crying- actually, I think I was on the boarderline of sobbing. On of the guys, aged 17, came into Carter's face tormenting him with lies about the baby not being his. Carter has never been a violent person but when it comes for his family, he will fight the world if needs be.

Before I knew it, sercurity were crowded around us, holding back the group and Carter. The group lied and blamed Carter on starting the fight- the sercurity was ready to call police until the nice man who Carter won the teddy bear of, stepped up and told the sercurity that it was indeed the group who started. The police weren't called but the group was kicked off the pier. After that, I wanted to get as far away from there as possible.

Carter is still angry from the whole thing, mine and Carter's siblings were just as furious. They couldn't understand why I was so calm and pushing it away like nothing. That's when I explained that I wasn't getting worked up because I was expecting something like this to happen somewhere during my pregnancy. I mean, I'm 17 and about to become a mom. Obviously people are going to have judgements. People have judgements on everything in life, whether it being pregnancy or not, you're still being judged.

I however, hate that. I hate being judged. I hate people judging others.

For example, Carter's brother has both arms covered in tattoos. He has a tattoo on the side of his neck and across his chest too and people assume that he is some gangster thug that will pull out a gun if you look at him wrong- That is not the case, Paul is the most kind, caring person ever with a wonderful girlfriend and a beautiful daughter, he is a big charity worker too.

That's why I never judge people, never. I don't know them personally nor do I know their life, it's not my place to have a judgement.

Anyway, apart from that I had an amazing week and I thank Carter for taking me on that break as our little bundle of joy is due in exactly two weeks! Eepppp! I'm so excited and I can't thank you guys enough for being so kind towards me:-)

I hope to talk to you all soon!
PS: When my baby is born, I will be making my instagram private because but you will still be able to view them from statgram I think!

Pregnancy tracker: 38 weeks 0 days

Stay beautiful!
Katieleigh & baby Brown! xoxox.

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