Sunday 18 November 2012

Baby Brown is finally here!

Hello beautifuls!
How are you all?

Well you're all now looking at a proud, new mommy! EEP!

Three days after my last blog, I was took into hospital (Wednesday 13th November) after suffering from braxton hicks. They started at 7AM and lasted until 7:20PM, that's when Carter convinced me to ring my midwife. Hazel- my lovely midwife, told me that if my braxton hicks got worse or they continued, I needed to come to the hospital.

8:45PM seemed to roll around in the blink of an eye and my braxton hicks where still there. They weren't getting worse but they were still very painful- that morning I rated them a 2 out of 10 but as the day went on the rate got higher and higher, by the time I was supposed to go to hospital, I rated them a 7 out of 10.

At my 35 week appointment with my midwife, she gave me a sheet of paper with a list of essentials I should pack in mine and the babies hospital bag. It was quiet the obvious things like; pyjamas, clothes for going home in, under ware, toiletries (including after-labour/night-time sanitary towels). And let me just tell you girls, I have never ever seen sanitary towels (or pads) as big, I mean they were seriously like diapers for adults! Anyway! The essentials for baby were; a baby blanket, onesies/baby grows as they are known (at least five of them), diapers, bottles even if they mother chooses to breast fed, wet wipes, burping cloths.

Baby's list was longer than mine!

Knowing that I wasn't fully in labour yet, I decided to shower before going to the hospital. I remained calm and collected whilst Carter looked like he was going to either pass-out, throw up or both! We arrived to the hospital at 8:50PM where our parents met us. I was immediately guided into a lilac room and told to make myself comfortable. By this time, the braxton hicks were coming and going every few minutes.

I did panic just because I wasn't due for four more days but I was sort of glad she was coming when she did because I couldn't wait any longer! Hazel came and checked if my waters were broke and as I expected, they weren't. I was told that if my waters didn't break naturally in SIX hours, then they would break them for me! I was hooked up to monitors and IV drips then left to get rest.

Our parents left at 9:30PM when visiting times were over. I wasn't allowed to drink or eat anything from 10PM, that was really annoying- I loved my food. At 12AM both Carter and I decided to get some sleep, but of course, since pregnancy prepared my body for a newborn baby, I was able to hear absolutely everything. From the annoying ticking of the clock to the screams of new mothers, to the phone ringing in the nurses station. Carter however is a deep sleeper so he heard NOTHING!

At 3:15AM, Hazel and two other midwives called Sandra and Yvonne, came into my room ready to break my waters only to find that the baby was sleeping. I didn't know this but a midwife or doctor can't break a pregnant woman's waters if they baby is asleep, if they do it can cause baby to stress or go into shock at the sudden pressure of the rod; I was oblivious to this so when they said they need to leave me another 3 hours, I was disappointed and slightly frustrated.

Over the next 3 hours, the braxton hicks began getting worse. They got sharper and lasted longer. Carter was completely at a lost, he done his best to help take some of the pain away by rubbing the bottom of my back and under my bump. It was funny because every time Carter rubbed my bump, the baby would kick or if the baby was kicking and hurting me, he would rub the spot and somehow, the pain settled.

Hazel, Sandra and Yvonne came in at 6:15AM and finally, my waters were broke at 6:30AM. Now the waiting game began..

Every hour Hazel was coming in and checking to see if I was dilated, by 8:30AM, I was already 4 cementers. But of course, I needed to get to 10. The pain was unbearable but I still didn't want an epidural- I despise needles with the greatest passion and knowing that it would be injected into my spine was a stomach wrenching thought. Hazel gave me gas and air, it was a good pain relief but it started to make me light headed and drowsy so I stopped and only used it when the pain was excruciating

My emotions began getting out of control, the pain was starting to get unbearable but I wasn't opting for an epidural. Carter, again was at a lost, he was in pain just as much as me. This was the first time he had experienced anything like this, he wasn't sure what was going on- he didn't know if the pain was because something was wrong or if it was normal. He held my hand and let me almost cut the circulation of when I squeezed it, he rubbed my back and continued to say reassuring things. He started talking about memories to try and divert my mind, I think that helped a lot because the memories he talked about where funny ones that made me laugh. 

Our parents arrived at the hospital around 9-9:15AM, our dads waited outside in the hallway whilst our moms sat in the room with us.

Finally, after what seemed forever, Hazel and Sandra brought in this huge white medical equipment thing that I still don't know the name off. There's a picture of it on my instagram. It's where the nurses take the baby to clean him/her up, weigh and measure him/her.

At 12:57PM, I started to push with every contraction. 

The pain was incredibly sore- it was a stinging and burning sensation from the muscles getting streched. I don't know how to describe it but I felt every single thing, from the baby being pushed through my stomach, to the head actually coming out of my vagina. The most painful part was when the shoulders was being pushed through, that was the worst pain ever.

At 1:17PM, the most beautiful, most precious baby girl was brought into this world. She was immediately put onto my chest and in that split second of laying eyes on her, I fell in love. Carter cut the cord after kissing his princess's forehead. Tears rushed from mine and Carter's eyes as we looked at our creation, still not knowing what her name would be.

After a few minutes, Sandra took her away to the piece of equipment that sitting in the corner. Carter was now the one getting emotional, repeating that he loved me and thanking me for giving him the most precious gift all while crying. Did he not realise that I had just had a baby and my emotions where still up and down like a rollercoaster?

"What will we name her?" Carter asked as he held our daughter, only 10 minutes old and dressed only in a small diaper and wrapped in a white blanket. We had a list of baby names for both gender, we'd both chose them together.

"I like Lexie." I said as he put her in my arms.

"She looks like a Lexie, doesn't she?" He said smiling, he reached his arm around my shoulder and stroked his finger over her cheek. She squirmed but didn't cry or utter a whimper. "Lexie Amelia."

It fitted her perfectly. Absolutely perfectly.

Lexie Amelia Brown.
6lbs 5oz.

I stayed in hospital for two days because I had high blood pressure from after labour. I wanted nothing more than just to get home and get into my own routine instead of being woke every five minutes by nurses or doctors.

At the hospital I gave birth at, they usually take the baby to the nursery for the first night to let the mother and father get rest. I hated knowing that she would be taken away from me, I was already so attached. I persuded Hazel to let her stay with me as long as I promised her if I needed anything, I'd buzz her.

I found it hard to get to sleep that night, I couldn't tear my eyes away from her. She was just to beautiful.

Carter agreed that he would stay awake the first night and feed her- she was being fed on formula, I tried breast feeding and OUCH! That was badddddd. We agreed to take turns on nights to stay awake and feed her and tonight is Carter's :-)

We got home two days ago to a house full of familiar faces. Mine and Carter's brothers had rushed out to buy the pink paint we picked months ago and painted her nursery on the night she was born so it was ready for her coming home!

Our two chihuahas were hesitant to go near this new creature that was moving into their home, they still don't like it when she cries but both of them will curl up beside her bouncer chair or at the foot of her basketnett.

Being a parent is definitely hard, there is no denying that. My time is taken up most of the time now! I mean this blog for instance- I started to write at 9:30PM and now it's 12:05AM! So yeah, you see what I mean, right? If I'm not washing baby clothing, I'm making formula or if I'm not making her bottles, I'm feeding or changing diapers. It's crazy but I would not change it for the world. I'm so thankful that I have my family around me who is only a phone call away, I'm thankful I have Carter who steps up a whole lot. He won't complain about washing dishes or making dinner, or changing diapers or feeding Lexie. He will do all of them things.

Lexie may be only five days old but she's an angel. I wouldn't trade her for the world. Nothing is more powerful that the love from a mother to a daughter.

Next step for me is to lose my baby weight but that isn't happening for a few more months!

Thank you all for the kind words, I love you all so much!

Stay beautiful!
Katieleigh & baby Lexie! xoxoxo

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