Sunday 26 August 2012

Miss independent!

Hello beautifuls!
how are you all?

Like promised, I'm writing a new blog today after a week off decorating mine and Carter's new home! We've been so busy over the past week I haven't been updating anything really, even instagram and we've just got our internet connection put in today! I've a lot to tell you guys, you may even be surprised that this all happened in only one week!

Being pregnant was a good thing- I thought! That was until Carter started treating me like a child (at least that's what I thought he was doing). He wasn't letting me do anything in our new house, no painting, no building furniture, no moving furniture, etc.. I got frustrated and upset, I felt like Carter was taking responsibility of  everything when this was supposed to be a special occasion for the both of us. I ended up being well.. excuse my french.. a bitch. I flipped out on Carter, calling him names that I regret.

Carter gave in, which I later found out was because he didn't want to get more me upset/stressed for the baby's sake. I ended up trying to move our new and extremely heavy couch when I felt this unbearable pain rip across my abdomen area. I almost fell in agony, lucky Carter was there to help me to move onto the floor without hurting myself even more.

Carter and I were so worried/scared, he rushed me to the hospital to get checked. After a agonising hour and thirty-minutes, the doctor came to the hospital room I was in and gave me the news that my baby was still very much healthy and happy. The relief I felt was unexplainable.

Turns out, by my stubborn self pushing the couch to a different place in our living room, I put to much stress on the baby.

From that moment, Carter has been so.. protective! He wouldn't let me move anything heavy and this time I didn't complain. When he, his brothers and mine finished building everything (bedroom furniture, a few living room pieces), he finally let me put my name on our home by letting me place the home-ly things, (candles, photo frames, cushions, etc..) around our house.

So, yeah.. Things have been a little busy this week but thankfully most things are back to normal! With my baby bump growing more and more each day, my excitement is getting to much! We decorated the nursery together, of course Carter made the wardrobe and the crib up. I help paint the walls but obviously was made to stop when I needed to stretch.. We have painted the nursery neutral colours but agreed that when the baby is born, whether it being a girl or a boy, we will then paint the nursery either pink or blue..

My new-found independence is making me realise how much I'm growing up- I mean, I'm sitting here now, in my new home, on my new couch with a steaming mug of hot chocolate sitting on the new coaster on the new coffee table, waiting on my fiance coming home.. My two dogs lying in their beds in the corner of the living room while F.R.I.E.N.D.S play across our new tv. You all may think that I'm a little crazy but I'm just overwhelmed.

I'm engaged, I'm expecting a beautiful baby, I've moved into my dream home with my dream man.. Everything seems perfect! And even more, I get to share it with you guys!

Oh, also I haven't been getting much requests lately and I'd really like to get back into the swing of that! So please, get requesting and it doesn't need to be on this, it can be on twitter/email etc.. I also check my emails everyday, my twitter everyday and I'm on instagram everyday which I post many pictures on so I will definetly be responding to everyone!

Pregnancy Tracker: 28 weeks, 1 day.

PS: if anybody reads my JBFF stories (which I know most of you do) you will hopefully know that I am planning on making a new account. I actually already have made it, I just need to post a story on in which will be up in a few hours! The account is called butterflykisses and I seriously hope you guys will keep a look out for my new story called Jinx in the most recent then continue to support my other stories which will be posted too!

Stay beautiful!
Katieleigh (and baby Brown!); xoox

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to see you write something different. Like Sport. Do you follow any? Do/Did you play any? What is sport like in your country? What is sport like in your home country? What are the major teams in all the sports? What games/matches have you ever been to? That sort of thing. It's something different for you to write about <3
