Sunday 15 July 2012

Guessing game!

Hello beautifuls!
How are you all?

Well, I'm very sorry for not posting last Sunday but things have been pretty hectic with my pregnancy and things! I've been finishing fashion for college before I leave on maternity break, plus my clothes aren't fitting me any more (apart from my sweatpants and hoodies!) so I've been shopping and also making a few things! I've been getting told my bump is very small and neat, but I don't think that; I went from a size 8 to a 12 already, not very much but I'm bracing myself to suddenly...expand over the next few weeks!

So today Carter, myself and our parents went to the hospital for my 20 week pregnancy scan. I had so emotions running through me that I had never felt before! I was excited to see our baby but I was terrified incase something was wrong because at my last scan the nurse told me that my baby was lying a strange way and the slightest knock might cause damage; to say I was scared was an understatement!

When the nurse scanned my stomach and told me everything was fine before turning the motior for Carter and I too see, I was so relieved! My baby had turned into a safe position, she or he was in no danger at all, thank God!

Finally, after weeks off waiting, I was able to see my baby! The picture was so clear, we were able to get a perfect view of him or her! He or she even started blowing bubbles, his or her little hand lifted almost like it was waving at us! Of course, being emotional as I am, I started getting teary. We were asked if we wanted to know the gender but we wanted it to be a surprise for when he or she is born, however that didn't stop us from fighting over what we thought it would be on the way home in the car!

Carter thinks it's a boy because he claims he saw the 'evidence' if you all get me.. But I said it was the umbicial cord because my sister thought the same thing and her baby turned out to be a girl! I however think it's a girl, well that's what my gut is telling me!

But Carter and I have agreed not to worry about the gender, our baby will be loved whatever the outcome is! Gender makes no difference to us, girl or boy, we're happy. We just want our baby to be healthy and happy, that's all we pray for.

We have been going through baby names, ideas for the nursery which we'll be decorating over the next few weeks and writing them all down in a book, we've been cutting pictures out of baby nursery books (colours, cots, etc) and sticking them into the book too. We've even labled it Brown Baby #1. - If anyone has baby names that they'd like to share, please don't be afraid to let me know! =)

Anyway, a few have been asking for a picture of my bump or my scan so I'll add them in at the bottom, but I haven't took many bump pictures on my phone they are all on my camera so hopefully when I can upload them onto my laptop, I'll upload them on here! These two pictures are from my instagram which you can follow me on using your own instagram or just by clicking on statigram

PS: Don't be afraid to share your opitions on what gender you think baby Brown is! I'll look forward to hearing your opitions!

Hope to talk soon girls & guys!

Stay beautiful!
Katieleigh; (and baby Brown!); xoox

small bump!
    20 week scan!

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