Monday 28 May 2012

How to maintain a good relationship! (my tips!)

Hello beautifuls!
How are you all?

Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was enjoying the amazing sunshine! =)

This blog was requested by the wonderful LaurenDxoxo =) she commented on my last post and asked could I write about how Carter and I have stayed together so long! =)

Carter and I have been together for almost five years, we've never broke up once, we've never cheated on eachother but we have had our arguements- many of them! But no matter what, we've always sorted things out and became closer.

When we were younger from 12 right up til 16, most people didn't think (and still probably don't) think that our relationship wouldn't last. If I had a dollar for the amount of people who told me that mine and Carter's relationship wouldn't last, I'd be a millionare! The same goes for Carter. - I think because we were so young, people had a lot of judgements on us but we didn't care, we fell back on each other and that's all we needed. "you're too young!" , "I'll give it a week!" , "do your parents even know?!" was the questions we got fired at us every single day.

My mom knew about Carter because he was my cousins friend but she never knew about us dating until I was thirteen, we were dating for 9 months before she found out and same with Carter's parents. We hung out a lot in each others houses but never officially announced it until two weeks after my thirteenth! Reason why I waited so long was because I was scared; scared of my parents reaction when I told them I had a boyfriend- my parents set rules that my siblings and I weren't allowed boyfriends/girlfriends until we were sixteen. Weird but that's how it went. Carter and I talked for three hours that night, I cried to him and was thinking the worst things ever- I thought that my parents would stop me from seeing him, I thought I would never be allowed to have contact with him again. The thought scared me. Carter was with me when I told them, he held my hand and comforted me while I broke down and told my parents. My parents laughed at my reaction, pulling me into a hug and telling me that everything was okay- they trusted Carter, but dad did go thru the whole 'you hurt my daughter and I'll bury you in a forest' talk.. all dad's say that tho, right?

Anyway! Through-out the years, Carter and I have had our moments but we've never done anything extreme that we would regret, the biggest thing that's happened was the silent treatment for three hours which killed me! Don't think that we have some fairytale relationship, 'cause we don't. We are like any other normal couple, we have our up and down moments alot and now I'm pregnant, he's been warned not to take me seriously when I yell at him from my mood-swings.

Our friends(girls) who are in relationships always asks me how we keep our relationship so..loveable so I give them a step-by-step guide!

1. Always talk! Seems stupid but believe me, it works! Many couples don't communicate like they should which results in serious problems. Carter and I make sure we have one hour every day talking about what we did that day.
2. Trust! This is so so so important! Have faith in your partner, trust them and let them know you trust them; by texting or calling them every few minutes is becomes very obvious that you have no trust in them which means you may be saying goodbye to that relationship sooner than you think!
3. Make time for eachother! Many couples don't spend much time together like they should, this is another important point. Carter and I make sure we have one day (either Saturday or Sunday) to spend the whole day together, just us two.
4. Don't say what you don't mean! I can't express how bad this is! I feel like Maury or Jeremy Kyle! Couples say things they don't mean, blaming it on 'the heat of the moment' but in reality, that's only an excuse! Try and process words before saying them, this will save you from later troubles-believe me!
5. Surprise! Most people think that its the guys duty to plan surprises for their girlfriends but its also the girls duty! By planning a surprise for your boyfriend you will gain relationship points! Even if it's just renting out his favourite DVD and laying on the couch, it'll make it worth while!
6. Don't rush! Don't rush into everything 'cause this is one of the serious points people always do first. Couples think that they should rush to keep their partner interested but this isn't true, you should never rush things weather it being meeting your parents or sex.. don't rush!
7. Gifts.. it doesn't need to be big, it can be the tiniest thing but make all the difference! You don't need to spend lots of money, you sometimes don't even need to spend money! Sometimes handcrafted gifts are the more heartfelt ones.

These rules are the ones I live by, they've kept mine and Carter's relationship fresh and strong.. hopefully if any of you girls (or guys!) reading this who may be in a relationship, this will help slightly=)

Again, I loved writing about this topic! I hope that you guys will keep commenting on other topics to cover (anything by the way! It doesn't need to be about me or my relationship, it could be about best friends, socialising, how to be more confident & even beauty and skin care, fashion, etc..) which ever you want, I will talk about! I love covering topics=) oh and if you want to ask me to talk about something, either comment OR email, tweet me etc.. in the contacts forms in the first blog!

love you guys and I hope to update soon=)

stay beautiful

Sunday 20 May 2012

My baby + I, pregnancy + engagement! =)

Hello beautiful's!
How are you all?

Today's blog is a requested one from the wonderful Taya =) She commented on my last blog and asked could I write a little more about Carter, pregnancy, engagement etc, so lets get started! =)

Warning: Soppy girlfriend coming up!

Carter James Lucas Brown. The name even makes me feel weak! Carter is 17 and he is British. He was my first ever boyfriend when I arrived in the UK, the first time I saw him I honestly did feel something I've never felt before- Cheesy?

Carter was (and still is) best friends with my cousin, when I first arrived in the UK my cousin (Curtis) asked me to come with him and a few friends to the movies. That's where I got introduced to this gorgeous boy! Even though we were only twelve, I really was like a school girl! Carter and I sat beside each other in the movie theatre, we chatted about general things like our ages, where I was from etc, before the movie started.

When the movie was over, our group of six (me and my cousin's girlfriend being the only girls!) headed outside where it was freezing! Carter noticed this and gave me his Adidas hoodie which I still have to this day, we exchanged numbers before I left to go home.

That's when I would say my fairytale started.

A month had gone by with Carter and I texting, he finally asked me to go to the local funfair with him which I happily said yes too and now this is Carter's cheesy but very adorable part comes up! Does everyone know hoop-la? It's where you throw the plastic rings to try and get it over the empty glass bottles? Well he was playing that and won the large teddy bear, Carter slyly asked me to check the time on my phone little did I know was that he asked the guy to write on a piece of paper and stick it onto the bear. When Carter gave me the bear, I looked down and read the note that said 'Will you be my girlfriend?'

Cheesy but cute, right? =)

June 15th 2007 was when I became his official girlfriend!

Over the years we've became even closer, he's been there through literally everything. We plan to get our own house soon, before the baby is born but until then we basically live together. Carter is literally the best boyfriend ever, he does everything for me even if I don't ask him too.

For Carter's 17th birthday I booked us both two tickets to go to the amazing New York City! It was our first holiday just the two of us. On February 25th, we went to the Empire Estate Building; I was so captured by the amazing beauty of New York at night I didn't realise Carter was building up courage. I heard him call my name, making me turn around with a gasp when I saw him down on one knee with a beautiful ring in his hand.

"We've been together for so long, we've had our life planned our for a long time and now I'm ready for taking that first step. Will you marry me?" Was the exact words he said, I'm surprised I can even remember them because believe me, I was honestly thinking that I was dreaming! Of course, I said yes!

Only a few weeks ago we found out that we were going to be parents, now at 13 weeks gone, I can happily say that we are so excited to be a mommy and daddy! =) Carter has even started talking baby boy names!

Already I adore being pregnant! I know that I maybe won't be saying that when I'm six months and the size of a whale but for now I love it! Already I'm getting a baby bump which I've took a picture of and uploaded it to instagram (which you can view here even if you are using a computer/laptop).

I can tell Carter will be an amazing father already, every night he rubs my stomach and talks to it, every morning he rubs it and says good morning. Cute right?:]

When I found out I was pregnant, I was very emotional after loosing my uncle who past away a mere few days before I found out. Carter and I both took this as a blessing from heaven, we honestly think that my uncle sent this baby to us because the week before we went to NYC my uncle said to us both; "I bet you both come home and in a few weeks you'll tell us you're going to be parent" and he was right. I'm very saddened that my uncle won't be here to see his great-niece/nephew but I know he'll be our guardian angel.

We broke the news to Carter's parents first before telling my mom. Carter's little four year old brother asked was the baby going to be here the day after we announced it, he continues to ask every day if the baby is going to be here soon. Carter's parents loved the fact we are going to be parents but my mom didn't, she wanted me to wait a few more years but quickly got over it and is very very supportive. My mom was a teen mom so I understand completely why she got upset.

Like I said, I am only twelve weeks pregnant and scans are supposed to be 12, 16 and 20 weeks, my first scan is going to be taken in two days! =)


Engagement! Ah, I love the word! Even though we don't plan on getting married until after the baby is born, we still talk about it most times; bridesmaids, groomsmen, best man etc., I plan to make my own dress and my own bridesmaid dresses just because I have specific ways that I want them.

I rang my mom the night Carter asked me to marry him, we basically fan-girled over it for a good hour. Carter couldn't stop laughing (I think he even video'd me screaming down the phone). My sisters already started claiming bridemaid and flower girl spots, my brothers took Carter to the side and gave him the protective big brother's speech. You'd think after five years he would know not to break my heart, right? Carter's mom and dad were also gleaming at the fact we decided to get married.

I didn't realise but Carter rang my dad who still lives in Canada, and asked his premission before asking me. That really made me breakdown just because he took that step and included my dad in the special moment.

When we announced it to our friends they all said the same things; "FINALLY!"

So, that's answering the topic I was asked which I loved by the way!=) I seriously hope that I'll get more topics to write about because I absolutely love sharing things with you guys!

By the way, if you follow my instagram (which you don't need an iphone, ipad or anything to do. Just by checking up on a thing called, you'll all be able to see my photos which involves my fashion too! My link is which is also above in the pregnancy section I just wrote about!)

Please keep commenting and sending your topics in please,

stay beautiful!

Sunday 13 May 2012

Quick apology!

Hello beautifuls! =)

How's everyone doing?
Let me just apologise for not posting sooner. I've been weighed down with college work, plus I've been designing a dress and shoes for a wedding that Carter and I shall be attending in a few weeks time, I'm so excited but I'm scared my hormones will kick in and I'll blubber like a baby; actually, Carter's scared of that! Hehe.

So, today isn't a nice day outside. It's raining and very very windy, it's the perfect day for warm pyjamas, hot chocolate (with mini marshmallows!), endless DVDs and cuddles from my baby! Well, when I say baby I mean my dog 'cause Carter is still at work. I love days like these, especically because I'm a home-bird, I prefer staying inside than going out.

I'm I the only one whose like that?

College has been so boring lately, my teacher is off with long-term sickness and there is now a sub until another fashion & design teacher can take us, so instead of actually creating something (purses, wallets, tee's, etc.) we've been sitting basically doing nothing, she gives us a large book (600 pages!) to read every. single. day. Boring, right? Instead of reading the book, I started sketching and yesterday I actually sketched my bridesmaid dresses! I'll try and upload pictures onto my instagram soon.

Anywhoooo! Some of you have been contacting me and telling me that you can't leave comments on my first post soo I tried it for myself;

1. If you have a google account (like mine, you can use that or any of the others suggested, when leaving your comment you need click the drop-down bar thingy is says; comment as: select profile.. that's where you select and it will give you a range of options to choose from, you choose which ever you have then select publish and I think that should be it! =)

If you have anymore problems please contact me via any of the contact links provided on my first post! =)

This is just a short, apology blog, I was bored so this went up! Again, if you have any specific topics you want me to talk about please please don't be afraid to ask by commenting or whatever! I'd be happy to help!

Can't wait to post again:]

Stay beautiful! :*