Sunday 29 April 2012

Getting started!

Good morning/afternoon/evening too all my beautiful readers!

How are you all doing today? Good I hope!
I cannot believe I'm starting my own blog! I'm like a five-year-old in a candy store! I've wanted to create one for a long time but I didn't think anyone would be intrested so then I asked on opitions, and now I'm here! =)

So I've decided that I'm going to be posting blogs every (hopefully!) Sunday on how my week has been, what I've been doing, etc.etc. Don't get angry if I don't post on Sunday's there will definitely be a blog posted during that week!

Since I'm only getting started, I'm still new too everything so basically I'm going to run over a few things that I think (hope!) are intresting and that you should all know about me! =))

1. My name is Katieleigh Bryee, most people call me Katie!
2. I'm Canadian! Born and raised in Canada until a few years ago when I moved to the UK!
3. I've been in a relationship with my now Fiance for 4 years (almost 5). He's the most amazing guy ever!
4. My Fiance, Carter, and I are expecting our first child together & you all have no idea how happy we are! We can't express the feeling we have.
5. Fashion, photography and DJ'ing are my passions. Family is my life.
6. My favourite flower of all time is a pink Lily!
7. My favourite singers/bands/rappers are: Justin Bieber (obviously!), One Direction, Dem Lovato, Jessie J, Rihanna, Drake, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, Usher, Taylor Swift, JLS(UK Band!), Carly Rae Jepsen, Katy Perry, Adele, Beyonce, Kayne West, Jay-Z, Chris Brown, Cody Simpson..
8. Two celebrities that I look up too is Justin Bieber and Demi Lovato, you hate on them (or any other people in that section above) I will personally kick your butts, 'kays?
9. I've got a weird obbsession with quotes!
10. I love meeting new people (links to how to contact me will be below!)

So that's a short piece too get to know me alittle:) I quiet a simple girl, although I do have a strong head; if I want something, I do everything to get it.

As I said before, this is just a silly little intro blog just too get started. If you want me to cover any specific topic, (relationships, family, crushes etc) then please don't hesitate too ask! I'd love for people to do that actually, maybe I'll even post more blogs covering them topics without having to wait a full week! (if that made sence!)

So, thankyou for reading me blabber:P
I love you guys! Can't wait to start Blogging! =))


Contact links:
Twitter: JBieber__UK
Polyvore: katiebryee
Instagram: @katiebryee
Email 1:
Email 2:
((both emails are used by myself regularly!)

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